The story of Stokkebye is a tale of a small family dynasty. Beginning with the marriage of Jacob and Helle, who began building something unique together. Unique in the diligence and resilience devoted to each day, which is what is required to make dreams come true. Unique, because there is nothing like it anywhere else in Denmark. And unique because, in all honesty, it really makes no sense to throw yourself into wine production in the cold north, although this proves what the Stokkebye family is made of. The result of the Stokkebye perseverance is a wine production, which is expected to reach about 20,000 bottles annually within a few years; the equivalent to a good winery in the French Champagne region. Similarly, the caviar is collected from the famous sturgeon, south of the border, from the oldest caviar house in the world. As always; only the very best will do in the genuine, uncompromising Stokkebye way.